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John and Lydia Kimble descendants

The Rochester Historical Society- Old Northampton

John Kimble, Henry Widener, James Franklin


The Rochester Historical Society; Old Northampton

p.280, 6 October 1800- First tax roll for region west of the Genesee River- the town of Northampton, John Kimball $700 R.E. & P.E., tax $1.03.

p.340-341, 7 April 1801, Northampton, Town Meeting at Peter Sheffer's., John Kembel voted as one of the Constables.

p.355, 2 March 1802, Town Meeting at Peter Sheffer's., John Kimbel- voted one of the Constables.

p.365, 1 March 1803, Town Meeting at Josiah Fishe's Esq., John Kimbol- voted one of the Assessors and one of the Constables.

p.371, 6 March 1804, Town Meeting at Elisha Dunham's, Henry Widener- voted as one of the overseers of the highways, fence viewers, & pound keepers., John Kimbal- voted as one of the Constables.

p.372, Sept 1804, John Kimbal- $ 9.12 (from the estate of Dr. Simon King)

p.376, 2 April 1805, Town Meeting at Mrs. Clarrisa Brown., John Kimball- voted as one of the Assessors, Collector, and voted as one of the Constables.

p.401-402, 7 April 1807, Town Meeting at George W. Willey's., James Franklin voted as one of the Overseers of the Highways.

p.303, 8 April 1808, Northampton divided into four towns, including Riga (having been previously known as the towns of East and West Pulteney)., Riga- first town meeting at house of Henry Widener.

Page following has facsimiles of signatures "of pioneers (1797-1808) appearing in the Old Northampton Book of Records, now in the Library of The Rochester Historical Society." Signatures include "John Kimbel," Peter Sheffer, Hinds Chamberlin, Salmon Scott, Isaac Scott.