sources at a glance
Death records and obituaries needed, listed by state and county.
Illinois sources
John and Lydia
Possible family connections
New Jersey Sources
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Pennsylvania Sources
Ohio Sources
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Michigan Sources
Military files
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John and Lydia Kimble descendants

New Jersey Church Records

Kimble's in New Jersey

A History of the Township and the North Presbyterian Church, Hardystown, Sussex County, New Jersey






Ayres, Archibald                  107
Ayres, Hannah E                   178
Ayres, James                      107
Ayres, William                    107


Baldwin, Burr                     140, 151, 174
Baldwin, Cornelius                71
Baldwin, John Y                   104
Baldwin, ------                   140, 141, 142, 144, 145, 151

Chardavoyne, Anna Estelle         181
Chardavoyne, Anthony              103
Chardavoyne, Barret Havens        181
Chardavoyne, Barret II            103
Chardavoyne, Hattie Sutton        181
Chardavoyne, Joanna               181
Chardavoyne, Julia                180
Chardavoyne, Sarah Jane           181
Chardavoyne, William              103
Chardavoyne, William Simpson      179
Chardavoyne, ------               99
Chardevoyne, Israel Davenport     181


Kemble, Alice Ann                 179
Kemble, Garret                    34, 35, 134
Kemble, M R                       37
Kemble, William                   34
Kemble, ------                    16


Kimball, Julia 147

Kimble, Amanda 178

Kimble, Bethia 106, 175

Kimble, Burr Baldwin 106

Kimble, Catharine 106

Kimble, Charlotte 106, 177

Kimble, Charlotte A 181

Kimble, Daniel 106

Kimble, David Hopkins 106, 159, 180

Kimble, Ephraim 106

Kimble, Ephraim M 106

Kimble, Ephraim Martin 106, 180

Kimble, Fowler 179

Kimble, Jacob 31, 106, 174, 175, 179

Kimble, Jane 106

Kimble, Lucilla 106, 179

Kimble, Lucilla Price 181

Kimble, Lydia 106, 176

Kimble, Margaret 179

Kimble, Mary 178

Kimble, Mary Ann 179

Kimble, Matilda 106, 178

Kimble, Robert 106

Kimble, Ruth Hughes 179

Kimble, Sarah 29, 106

Kimble, Susan 177, 179

Kimble, ------ 149
Low, ------                       40
Mabee, Carrie Westbrrok           180
Mabee, John                       180
Mabee, Martin                     86
Mabee, Nelson                     129
Parkhurst, ------                 175
Perigo, Joseph                    175
Perigo, Kitty                     175

Scott, Ben                        36
Scott, Benjamin                   180
Scott, Etta Deliah                181
Scott, James                      14, 36, 138
Scott, Maria                      180
Scott, Nancy                      178
Scott, Spencer                    172
Scott, ------                     122
Shafer, Absalom                   104
Shafer, Joseph Linn               137
Shafer, Peter                     14, 103, 104
Shafer, ------                    40, 140, 141, 142
Van Syckle, Eliza Ann             178
Vansyckle, Susan                  180